Phase 1

Completed: PROD 1000 New Student Orientation

BIOL 1010 Anatomy for Health Professionals

CLNC 1010 Phase One Practicum

COMM 1010 Mindset and Dialogue

HLTH 1010 Medical Terminology and Charting

MDWF 1010 Intro to Midwifery

Current: BIOL 1050 A&P of OB

BOTNY 1010 Herbology

MDWF 1030 Human Lactation

SOSC 1010 Equity and Anti-Oppression

Coming up:

CLNC 1050 Phase One Competencies

ENGL 1050 Technical Writing for Midwives

HIST 1010 History of Midwifery

MDWF 1040 IV Skills

Phase 2

Coming up: BIOL 2010 Genetics

BIOL 2050 Chem. and Nutrition

CLNC 2010, 2020, 2030, 2040 Phase Two Practicum

CLNC 2050 Phase Two Competencies

COMM 2010 Providing Trauma Informed Care

MDWF 2010 Prenatal Care I

MDWF 2020 Prenatal Care II

MDWF 2030 Labor and Birth

MDWF 2035 Complications in Human Lactation

MDWF 2040 Postpartum Care

MDWF 2050 Pediatrics

MDWF 2060 Clinical Testing in CBY

MDWF 2070 OB Pharm

MDWF 2080 Fetal Heart Surveillance

MDWF 2090 Suturing

MDWF 2100 Well Person Care

SOCO 2050 Ethics & the Law

STAT 2010 Principles of EIP


Coming up: BUS 3010 Small Business Fundamentals

CLNC 3010, 3020, 3030, 3040, 3060 Phase Three Practicum

CLNC 3050 Phase Three Competencies

MDWF 3010 Prenatal Complications

MDWF 3030 Complications of Labor and Birth

MDWF 3050 Postpartum Complications

MDWF 3070 NARM Prep