Agreement of Labor Services, Limits and Fees
Allison Miller, MPH, CD, PD.CBE (DTI) (205)305-5024
Before Labor:
1. At least one, preferably two, prenatal appointments to discuss any questions or concerns that you and your partner may have about your upcoming birth. These topics may include:
a. feelings, opinions and ideas surrounding birth in general as well as for this upcoming birth
b. birth options specific to your needs and desires
c. comfort measures and positions during labor that will encourage optimal fetal positioning and mother’s comfort
d. physical and emotional adjustment after your birth
e. transition into parenthood
2. Assistance in preparing a verbal or written birth plan
3. Resources and referrals when needed
4. I am available for phone and email contact as needed and desired. I prefer if we connect via phone after each of your prenatal visits after 36 weeks.
During Labor:
1. Early labor phone contact for information and to decide when and where to meet. I usually need approximately one to two hours to get to you from the time you call me, so I prefer to be contacted at the first sign of labor.
2. I will meet you where you have decided--at home or the hospital. I will stay with you from the time you decide you want or need a doula throughout the labor and birth. If I have been at your labor for 18 hours, I may need to call in a back up for a few hours to ensure that you have optimal support.
3. I will help your partner by offering reassurances, assistance, suggestions and information, as we have previously discussed in our prenatal meetings.
4. If there are ever any times in which I am unavailable, my back up will be arranged to join you.
After Birth:
1. I will stay until the placenta is delivered, you are comfortable, and your family seems ready for quiet time together. I will also help with initial breastfeeding. All of this usually takes one to two hours after your baby is born.
2. I will contact you by phone within 24 hours to answer questions and to check on your well-being.
3. I will arrange one postpartum visit in your home within one week after delivery. In this meeting we will discuss your birth, answer newborn care and breastfeeding questions and admire your new baby!
4. Email and phone support when needed for up to 3 weeks after your baby is born.
Labor Support Package Includes:
On-call phone and email consultations
Back up doula on call status (you are welcome to call or meet your backup)
24/7 on-call delivery status
Up to two prenatal visits
Attendance at your labor
Immediate postpartum support for up to one to two hours at the place of labor, and one postpartum visit at your home within one week after your baby is born.
Phone and email support for up to two weeks after baby is born
Every reasonable effort will be made to provide all the services described here. In the event that you choose not to utilize my services after your 36th week of pregnancy, or failure to call me to attend the birth, fees will not be refunded.
The total fee for the services described here are $750 to be paid as follows:
A $375 non-refundable retainer fee is due when you select Allison Miller for your labor support. Services are not guaranteed until I have received a signed contract and retainer fee.
$375 is due at the second prenatal visit.
Please make payments out to: Allison Miller (Venmo @Allison-Miller-54) or
Mail checks to: 1420 33rd St North, Birmingham, Al 35234